Amin Zayeromali

Senior Software Development Engineer | Data Scientist

NLP | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Seeking New Opportunities

..:: "First of all, let the codes talk about you" ::..

I have a Master's in Computer Software Engineering and Data Scientist.
I have more than 16 years of Solid Programming skills and concrete experience in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Optimization, Inverse Problems, Transfer Learning, and Researching and Teaching in Computer Science and AI / ML.

I love Programming and Artificial Intelligence, and I really enjoy them, and I am always learning and learning and learning ….
I have not forgotten to say that I am interested in Math, Statistics and I Love very much Traveling.

If you want to work with me, I will be happy for to you contact me through the communication channels on my end of the page.

Amin's Stats

Who am I & what do I do ?, What does the data say about me?

Google Stats : About 1,900 Results.

Medium Stats : 9↑ Articles & 22↑ Followers.

GitHub Stats : 54↑ followers & 87↑ Repo & 2,326↑ Commits.

LinkedIn Stats : 4,116↑ followers & 3,875↑ connections.

Twitter Stats : 2,175↑ Tweets & 106↑ Followers.

The amount of this statistic is calculated with a specific formula of website results.

A data scientist must be able to analyze his activity statistics and then visualize it with the ability to engineer his software development.

Amin's Activities

Apr 1, 2024 I seized opportunities for new and elevated achievements, fostering increased international collaborations and striving for greater accomplishments.
Feb 19, 2024 I successfully completed my master's degree and defended my thesis, marking the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.
Feb 1, 2024 I embarked on exciting new international collaborations with teams of machine learning engineers, expanding our horizons globally.
Jan 1, 2024 I contributed to the publication of a meta-analysis article, conducting data analysis that will soon be shared with the wider community.
Dec 28, 2023 I dedicated myself to ongoing learning in data science and programming, completing various courses and obtaining certifications to stay up-to-date with the latest trends.
Oct 1, 2023 I am spending hard and hard working days, big changes will happen to me in the future. Let's go!
May 1, 2023 I attended a workshop on the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It was an enlightening experience, and I learned a lot about the potential applications of these technologies in various industries.
Apr 10, 2023 I joined a team of developers working on a Machine Learning project that aims to improve customer experience in e-commerce. My role is to develop and fine-tune the recommendation algorithm.
Feb 15, 2023 I completed a new project in Natural Language Processing that focuses on sentiment analysis. It was a challenging task, but the results are promising.
Jan 7, 2023 I finally got updated and I continue my social activity, because of the events that happened in my country my social activity was stopped for three months. During this time, only coding calmed me down and I was determined to continue.
Sep 10, 2022 The recruitment process of some companies is ridiculous!!! In my opinion, finding talent in these common ways is wrong, at least for a technology expert!!! I came back to work after a refreshing vacation and trip, I think it was necessary.
Aug 7, 2022 These days I'm very busy with work and learning and I can spend very little on personal plans because my priority is to help others and work as a team, but one day this hard work will pay off.
July 7, 2022 I updated the biography and website details today with a little time, I hope to complete it in the future.
Jun 26, 2022 In a research team consisting of professors and doctoral students of computer science and data, I was selected as a collaborative member to work in the implementation of the project with Python in Artificial Intelligence, especially Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Jun 10, 2022 These days like Elon Musk, I work 16 hours, from studying and researching and working to improving my English, but I would be happy to have personal development.
if you want to know how to work 16 hours, contact with me immediately. I will tell you how it works.
Jun 6, 2022 After a while, I took the time to update my resume, but it is very difficult to summarize the resume in 2 pages with all your work experience.
May 6, 2022 Thanks to dear Lina Forcier at the Factually Health Company for trusting in my abilities, We are going to do great things for a new challenge!
May 2, 2022 I have started to improve my English speaking skills very seriously, and I'm learning fluent conversation, and also I started researching new projects that will again bring new and lovable challenges.
Mar 25, 2022 One of my goals was to do international projects as a freelancer, which I achieved, and I always looked beyond the borders and did not limit myself to specific geography. My next goal is to work with large companies and introduce my capabilities to all technology startups.
Mar 18, 2022 For almost a month now, I have been working on projects in the field of Semantic search and Elastic search ( NLP ), which I have completed. I'm always happy to finish any work in my field of expertise more than I expect because this perfectionism in doing things makes my experience much more than before.
Feb 22, 2022 For the second time in a row, I was selected as the top master's student, and the grades of all courses were A and A+.
Feb 11, 2022 Some of my ideas about this personal site have been implemented and updated. I still have all the features in my mind that are being implemented.
Feb 5, 2022 The research and part of the implementation of the project related to semantic search met with very good results and I am very happy that I was able to solve this problem (related NLP) in Persian Language, which is also an important project. I hope everything goes well in the final implementation.
Feb 1, 2022 Finally, part of my research and study was completed, and I published the second part of my article on The Opinions of the Top Researchers in Artificial Intelligence here.
Jan 29, 2022 I received many job offers in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, but all my efforts are a great choice for collaboration and it can be a powerful start for me, but I will continue to learn and I will overcome many challenges.
Jan 20, 2022 In my off-the-job studies, I researched the top AI scientists and Researchers, what goes through their minds and what their ideas are. I published a summary of these results here.
Jan 01, 2022 I started researching a very important project in Natural Language Processing for semantic search.
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